
Meet Chuck Dudrey.

Chuck and his amazing wife Diane have been married for 30+ years, and now live in the Pacific Northwest along with their two miniature German schnauzers and their pet German Shepherd, “Niko.”  They have three beautiful children, and eight grandchildren, as well as two great-grandchildren.  Over the past several years, Chuck and Diana have invested a lot of their time and energy into their local church, where Chuck was ordained as a pastor in the Real Men’s Ministry.  Now, Chuck hosts a men’s group at his home once a week and teaches on how to effectively communicate the Gospel at his local church.  God has blessed Chuck and Diane with so many wonderful opportunities to minister wherever they go, they both have such a servant’s heart and will jump on any chance to help and build up the body of Christ.

Good News!

Jesus Saved me.

On the evening of October 11th, 1990, I asked Jesus into my life!  I had come to a place in life where I was so disappointed with myself that I felt hopeless and all alone.  With tears streaming from my eyes and crying uncontrollably, I called out to God and asked Him to save my soul!

God loves you too!  The Bible tells us that God sent His Son Jesus Christ, the exact representation of Himself in a bodily form, to earth 2000 years ago.  Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life and was crucified on a cross, taking the sin of the world upon Himself.  Three days later, God raised Him up from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit, thereby conquering the power of sin and death once and for all.  Jesus later ascended into heaven with a promise to send the same Holy Spirit to come and baptize all believers into new life in Christ.  When this prophecy was fulfilled shortly after His ascension, it was a sign to those who believed that Jesus Christ Himself will return again to save all those who believe and finally bring them into the presence of God for all of eternity.

Now I invite you to ask God to save your soul too!  Declare this prayer out loud now: “Father God I confess that I am a sinner and in need of a savior so please forgive me of all the wrongs in my life, cleanse me from the sin which I have committed and clean my mind of all impure thoughts!  I trust you God and I thank you, I will serve you all the day’s of my life.  Thank you, in Jesus Name, AMEN!”

If you prayed this prayer the Bible says that you are born again!  

Now go and share what God did for you with someone!  The Bible states that if you believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord you will be saved!